The Two Natures of Christ: He is the Perfect Human, Part 1

Gap-fill exercise

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2. He is the Perfect Human.

a. As . Everything is combined in Him. Look at all the attributes of man, and you will find that some men possess one kind while other men possess other attributes; but in Him we find — all the attributes of men.

We believe that the character of Jesus is . It takes a Plato to forge a Plato, and it would have taken a Jesus to have forged a Jesus.

Think of His power compared with His : He drives the money-changers out of the temple at one moment, and then washes the disciples’ feet at another.

(1) He never ran for fear. No one ever frightened Him. He was never elated with success; we are. The Devil never baffled Him. He is the Man above all men. You cannot put anyone on the same level with the Lord Jesus. Take the leaders of the world — Caesar, Alexander the Great, yea, even godly men, such as Moody and Billy Sunday — they can never come up to Him. You cannot put the gods of men upon the same platform with the Lord Jesus. There is only one place for our Saviour, and that is the throne!

(2) He is a perfect human being, the only One the world has ever seen. Turn to and read the description of Him: “He hath made him to be sin for us, ; that we might be made the in him.” This verse of Scripture does not mean that Christ never sinned, although He never did, but rather that He was .

If a man lived all his life without sin, he still would . By living without sin, he would only be triumphing over . Christ never had a sinful nature. “that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God” (). There has been only one Holy Baby ever to be born into this world, and they called Him Jesus! No drunkard can help a drunkard. A man does not have to become a thief to help a thief. The Lord Jesus did not take upon Himself a sinful nature in order to help us who do have a sinful nature.

When the Lord Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days, He knew what hunger was. He knows how it is with us when we go hungry. No man ever died at the stake, or went through a time of testing, as He did upon the Cross. He knows what it is to suffer. We have something in us that wants us to sin, but He — that is what He suffered: the Devil trying to make Him want to sin.

That age-old question may now be raised: “Could the Lord Jesus have sinned ” The question is thrown aside by stating, “He could not have wanted to, .” But, someone may add, if He could not have sinned, then why the temptation? If He could not have sinned, then the temptation was ! That is exactly the answer! For He was not tested to see if He would sin, but He was tested to show (to prove) that He sin.

This is something to consider also: if the Lord Jesus could have sinned here upon earth, then it is still possible for Him to sin in Heaven as He maketh intercession for us. But He could not have sinned upon earth, and He cannot sin in heaven. He is our perfect High Priest.

Exercises created by Atty. Gerry T. Galacio. You can freely use these exercises, but you must not upload them to any website or the cloud. For comments, questions, corrections, or suggestions, email


Exercises created with freeware Hot Potatoes v. 6.3 from the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.


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